Cement ERP software covers all the important factors starting from purchasing, planning, production, manufacturing, sales, accounting, customer service, and distribution. Provides a complete solution for organizing and managing the cement manufacturing factory. It helps you record, measure, and monitor the business performance and the production and daily workflow series of operations. ERP software for the cement industry assists you in keeping full control of the production plan and also helps to minimize the breakdown time.
The product “cement” never goes out of demand; instead always stays in the highest demand and supply. Hence, it’s very vital to keep the cement production 24/7 and apply strategies to reduce breakdown time.
Centralized Data Management System
Issue Registration Facilities
Monthly/Yearly Sales Commission
User Permission
Recipe Management
List Of Procurement Material
Automated warehouse report
List of cement mill
Record the roster duty
Run Cloud-based software
Now I'm going to showcase some of the exclusive and advanced modules of cement ERP software, which will assist you to increase your productivity while keeping the operational cost lower
This module is one of the most important modules of this Cement ERP software. This module showcases the crucial part of the business on one screen, for instance, details of the raw material, production plan, daily targets, the quantity available in the warehouse, no sales and distribution list, account history, daily staff attendance, and payroll.
Moreover, you can customize the dashboard according to your need, and only you can view or edit your dashboard. Hence it’s become easier to make better business decisions.
This module is one of the most crucial for cement ERP software production management systems. In this module, you can record and save the production recipe, “product criteria you’re producing,” “what types of raw material used,” and “percentage of the quantity used” while manufacturing. For example, there are 3 types of products such as OPC, PCC, and VRM. And based on the cement product criteria, the percentage of raw material usage varies, for instance, Clinker, Gypsum, Fly-Ash, Slag, and Limestone.
Moreover, this module will also record the production plan list in chronological order, where the whole production plan will be recorded with recipe no, date no, finished item, mill no, and their status, etc. The highlight of the production management system:
Another vital module of ERP software for the cement industry is the sales & marketing system. This module is directly integrated with sales & marketing mobile, where you can keep track of the client dealer list with details, the number of bags sold, date of delivery order, distribution region list, etc.
In addition, with the help of this sales & marketing module, it becomes easier to make better business decisions and plan effective production plans. Some of the important sub-modules of sales & marketing systems are:
The account management system is one of the mandatory modules of every ERP software. This module effectively records all the financial details, for instance, return on investment, raw material cost, cash payment, cheques received, etc. some important part, which the accounts management system covers are:
The “human resource management system” module in the cement ERP software holds some important details related to the staff, labor, and employees working in the cement factory.
Moreover, this module will keep a record of the employee list, daily attendance, payroll, and the schedule of the rostered duty. This module mainly records the important details about labor, starting from the low to high hierarchy.
The cement industry uses the term "silo" to convey warehouse. And this module of cement ERP software holds all the crucial information related to the stock balance of raw material and finished goods. Inventory management systems assist you in ensuring steadiness and monitoring the raw inventory level so that there can't be any interruption during production.
Moreover, a stock management system can help you improve production efficiency, depreciate operational costs, and get higher ROI. In addition, this module also records the track of expiry of both the raw material and finished goods.
Recording daily sales targets will be super easy with cement ERP software sales & marketing app. This sales & marketing app is both available on android and iOS.
The sales & marketing app is especially constructed for the cement ERP software sales team so they can instantly record sales information along with the amount of bags or metric tons sold to and to whom. Moreover, using this app, the sales team will create a “delivery order” section whenever they confirm an order.
Cement ERP software is just like any other ERP solution, specially customized for maintaining and tracking the cement manufacturing enterprise.
With the assistance of Cement ERP software, cement manufacturing industry entrepreneurs’ can manage and keep track of multiple warehouses, manufacturing processes, and factories, record the number of sales and control the operation cost.
The cement manufacturing operation is one complicated process, as the whole production plan is integrated with multiple departments. Therefore, it’s very important to streamline the workflow, from purchasing to delivering the finished goods.
ERP software, which is specifically designed for the cement manufacturing industry. With this robust technology, cement manufacturers can manage numerous factories, mills, and manufacturing plans, handle and record different form transactions, billing, and shipping address, and track the raw inventory and finished goods.
Indeed real estate business is one of the most demanding businesses, and the cement manufacturing industry plays one most important factors in the real estate business. Some of the essential points of “why should you have cement ERP software?”:
Indeed, adopting ERP software for cement industry in the cement manufacturing industry brings some effective advantages and also helps to improve your ROI:
Cement ERP software is one-time efficient automation technology that will bring effectiveness in production, sales & marketing, warehouse maintenance, production management, and many more. But what types of results are you’re gonna get after adopting cement ERP software in your cement factory:
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