Write for Us
If you're a hobbyist of technology or software and want to write for us then you have a chance to get the opportunity to publish your article on Bdtask Blog even a chance to get an author account.
Writing Guidelines
- Article length should be more than 2000 words
- We grant only technology-related articles
- Tutorials, Statistics, Websites, Web apps, Android, and IOS apps, Business, etc.
- Don't share promotional content
- Don't use huge links, use the valid resource link
- AI generated, Spin, plagiarism, paraphrasing, rewrite, duplicate articles will be disqualified automatically
- 100% unique and human writing article only allowed
- If you share the same topics and articles on another blog then highly chances of disapproved
- The article should be SEO friendly but over-optimized or keyword stuffing strictly prohibited
- The article should be written in a natural way
- After published your article on Bdtask Blog, You won't be allowed to republish the article on any site.
You can share your previously published blog link with us.
Tech Blogger Most Welcome
Send your ideas to
Email: [email protected]