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Mobile POS: Documentation of Sales ERP App

By Bdtask Last Updated -- Thursday, 2020-11-19
MPOS - Sales ERP App

M-POS is a Sales ERP App. This documentation for the Mobile Point-of-Sale (M-POS)  Android application, is a part of Sales ERP Software.


  • Android Smartphone (Version = 5 or more)
  • Sales ERP Online version installed in a web server.
  • Purchase key (which you use to install web version).
  • The App (Play Store link)

How to download

  • Login to your Sales ERP  web application, go to Add-ons module.

  • Now click on “buy now “ button of Android App. You should redirect to

  • If you have no previous account in, you can make a new one.

  • After complete all the purchase options you will get a Purchase key

  • Now use this purchase key to download the app. The app will download to your server. You also need this key for app connection.

  • Now click on the download button, a QR code will show. You will get a download link by scanning the QR code. Use this link to download the app

Setup: Connect Your App


  1. After Installation, you should see this page.
  2. Insert the Purchase Key.
  3. Go to Setting > App setting in web. Copy your site URL and paste it into the Online server field. (make sure “/” is at the end of the URL) Then click Generate QR.
  4. Now Scan the Middle QR code. by your phone
  5. Click Verify.
  6. iF Everything is okay, the login page should show

Login to Your App

You can use the same login credential to log in to your app. You can also add a new user from the web.

Start Sale

Here you can search or select your products by clicking the “+” button. Customer selection, discount, tax, everything on a single page. To print POS invoice just click the “Submit with print” button. Make sure your printer settings before you print.

Manage Sale

Invoice list

Here you can see all the invoices with the customer's name and date. In the search bar, you can search by Customer name, Invoice number, Mobile number. There is also an option to search date wise.

Add Unit

You can Add, Update and Delete Units from this page. Just write the unit name and hit add, to add a new unit.

Add Category 

You can Add, Update and Delete a category from this page. Just write the category name and hit add, to add a new category.

Add Supplier

Supplier > Add Supplier 

You can add a new supplier from this page.

Supplier Advance

Supplier> Supplier Advance

There is an option in this app, to make payment to a supplier. Just select Supplier, payment type, and Amount and click on the Save button.

Supplier Ledger

Supplier > Supplier Ledger

Here you can check all the transactions of each Supplier date-wise. Just Select the Supplier and a date range hit the search button.

Manage Supplier

Supplier>Supplier page 

Here you will get all the suppliers with details. by searching their Name/phone. You can Update and Delete your list.

Add Product

Product > Add product

You can add products from this page. Insert all the required data. And hit the “Add Product” button. You can also add a bar code by clicking the barcode button.

Manage Product

Product> Manage product

You will find the product list with details on this page. The product edit and delete option also on this page.

Add Purchase

Purchase> Add Purchase

You can add a new purchase from this page. Just select a supplier, insert the purchase invoice number and date. After that click on the “Add new item” button. A pop up will show. Select your product and quantity (price will show automatically), then hit add. You can add as many as the product you want. Finally, click Add Purchase.

Manage Purchase 

Purchase >Manage purchase

You will find the purchase list with details on this page. The purchase edits and deletes option also on this page. You can also filter your purchase record by invoice number and date.

Add Customer

Customer> Add customer

On this page, you can add a new customer.

Credit Customer

Customer> Credit Customer

Here you can see the customers who have due. Also, you can search by Name/Phone.

Manage Customer

Customer> Manage Customer

On this page, you will find all the customers with their details. You can also search your customers by Name/Phone.

Stocks Report

Stocks >Stocks Report

Here is all the product list with In Quantity, Out of Quantity, and a number of present stock.

Supplier Wise Stock Report

Stocks > Supplier Wise Stock Report

You can get the stock report with the supplier filter on this page.

Product Wise Stock Report

Stocks>Product wise Stock Report

You will find the stock report individually on this page.

Reports Sales Report (product wise)

Reports >Sales Report (product wise) 

Here you can see all the sales report product-wise. Just select the product and set a date range. Then click the search button.

Purchase Report (product wise)

Reports> Purchase Report(product wise)

On this page, you will get the purchase report product-wise. Just select a product and date range. Click search.

Due Report 

Reports > Due Report

Here you will find the Due report of customers. There is also a date filter on this page.

Accounts (Supplier Payment)

Accounts > Supplier Payment

On this page, you can Add Supplier Payment. Just click on the “Add Supplier Payment” button. 

Supplier Payment

Supplier>Supplier ledger

You can add supplier payment records from this page, then select the supplier and insert the amount. Then click on submit. Finally hit the save button.

Customer Receiver

Accounts > Customer Receiver

You can Add customer payment in this App. To add customer Payment just click on the “Add customer Receive” button. Then select customer,  insert amount, and hit submit. Finally, click on the Save button.

General Ledger

Accounts> General Ledger

You will get all the accounts head information on this page. Just select the general head, subhead, and date range. Finally, click on the filter.

Profile Update

Here you can change your Fast name, Last name, and Email.  The image can be changed from this page.

Change Password

From this page, you can change your password. 

Printer Setting

There are 2 types of printer settings available in this App.

  • 58mm
  • 80mm

You can choose a printer from the printer setting page. 

Note:  The printer much have the Bluetooth Connectivity

After select a printer from the Printer page. You are ready to print the POS Invoice. 

  • Now turn on your Bluetooth printer.
  • then go to the sale page. Now select some product and customer, click “Submit with Print”. 
  • Turn on your phone's Bluetooth, after that it should show all the available Bluetooth devices around your phone. Your printer should be on the list.
  • Now select your printer from this list. If your printer is not on the list. Restart your print or phone Bluetooth.
  • After selection, it will redirect to the sale page. Now click the “Submit with print” button. If everything okay then your printer should print the invoice.
  • You have to do this process only for the first time. After that, you can print, just clicking the “submit with print” button.


You can change your Language from every page. Just click on  3 dots on the right side.