Running a restaurant is not easy. You have to play with different balls in different games in different fields. Good managers learn from their mistakes. Below we have discussed 7 common mistakes those you should avoid as a restaurant owner.
Many restaurant managers think guests come to their restaurants to eat. But it is not true, rather they come to enjoy their time or make memories. So it is very important for everyone in a restaurant to give maximum priority to your customers. From reception to order or serving everything should have a good consistency.
The food quality of your restaurant must be scale above the average. You must remember good food quality will automatically drive your guests to come again and again to your restaurant. You must taste your food on a regular basis to make sure of the quality. When you calculate the food costing, never compromise your quality over price and remember the saying “It is better to explain your price once rather apologize for quality forever.”
If you do not have a target audience you are on the way to lose your business in the restaurant industry. Even the wrong target audience can cost a ton for your restaurant. You must plan for your restaurant to keep your target customers in mind, from interior to food menu everything should be matched with them.
According to your target audience, you must pick your location right. Targeting corporates, your restaurant besides the public college will not give you good results. So pick location wisely. You should do research before picking up the restaurant location.
High turnover in employees is one of the biggest problems in the restaurant industry. You would definitely want to hire and train the employees of your restaurant. But giving them motivation is the key to retain them in the long run. Moreover, you must explain to your employees about their job descriptions and create a clear process which they can follow even you are not present there.
There is a proverb “cut your coat according to cloth” which is fully applicable in the restaurant industry. Most of the time the restaurant owners give priority in decoration and other fancy stuff, overlooking other essential matters. Managing cash flow and spending it on the right cause is very important for any successful restaurant venture. Managers must set clear goals to achieve with detail budgeting.
This is the most important aspect of the restaurant management business. You have to be extra cautious about your restaurant management. These days management becomes much easier with modern technology. You will able to do all the managerial works and see all reports from a single restaurant management software. It will not only help you to manage things properly but also give you detail enough reports to take effective decisions for your business.
Hope this article will help you to understand the common mistakes and avoid those for a better and successful restaurant business.