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How To Start A Catering Business From Home [11 Easiest Steps]

By Sajid Al Hossain Last Updated -- Thursday, 2024-01-25
How to start a catering business from home

Are you thinking about being a caterer? Or do you want to know about how to start a catering business from home? If so, then you are in the right place. 

Let's know first about catering. Catering service means preparing food and providing it to clients from remote locations, such as offices, restaurants, hotels, concerts, and any other events. You can say it is almost similar to the Cloud kitchen system.

When someone is trying to feed many people, then it will be a good decision if they hire a caterer because catering services can provide food for a large number of people. In addition, you can reduce the stress of cooking and save time. 

Types of Catering Business

Before starting a catering business from home, you must gather knowledge about the types of food catering services. Because each of every type you have to take different preparations for preparing food. Check down the types of catering business below:


  • Office Catering
  • Social Event Catering
  • Restaurant Catering 
  • Wedding Catering
  • Buffet Catering
  • Food Truck Catering 
  • Takeaway Catering
  • Concession Catering

You see above that there are many types of catering given above. Each type of catering business needs different categories of budget plans, different marketing strategies, and different planning. It would be best if you choose which types of catering business you can do. For this, you have to research more about this business. It would be better if you could make a list of catering companies. Then, you can analyze it. 

Steps of How to Start a Catering Business From Home

When you want to start any business, you must follow some steps so that you can have a great start of the business. So, when you are going to start a catering business from home,  you have to go through some steps. 

Also, by following the steps, you will know how to start a small catering business, the catering business name ideas, and which equipment is needed for the catering business

So let's check down the 11 steps below:

1. Research About the Catering Industry

Research About the Catering Industry

Before starting the catering business, you must research catering first. Then you can get ideas about the catering business and how to do it properly. Because when you learn about the catering business, It is time to research the catering Industry. 

When you want to start a business, you will have to compete with the catering industries who will be your competitor. Also, research about how they do this business, what sources they are using, which strategies they are implementing in their business, etc. 

2. Choose Your Business Structure

Every business has a different structure. If you have started a catering business, you must choose your business structure. A business structure determines your business legal system and how it will be taxed. 

Based on your business entity and structure type, there are some options of structure you can choose. Either you can run your catering business with a sole proprietorship, or you can run the business with a partnership.  

A sole proprietorship means the business will run on your own, and you are the only owner. And partnership of the business means you have a partner in your business. For that, you have to register as a general partnership, limited liability company, limited partnership, or limited liability partnership.

So you have to decide which business plan you want to run through. 

3. Note Down Your Catering Business Ideas

Note Down Your Catering Business Ideas

There are many business ideas available that are already implemented in the online marketplace. If you do not have any business ideas, you have to research the online marketplace and observe what the other competitors are implementing. Analyze the other companies and try to find out what kind of ideas they are implementing. Then you will understand what kind of business ideas you should follow. 

4. Set a Unique Name for Your Business

When choosing the name for your catering business, it is important to choose which type of catering business you want to run. So you must choose the type of catering, then you choose a name for your business. 

In addition, you must choose a name which you can define the entity as well for your catering business. 

When you choose a name in a specific state you want to open a cloud kitchen, make sure this name does not match with other business names. Try to make a unique name for your business.

5. Set a Kitchen Location

Choosing a location is another important thing for your catering business. You can say why it is that important for choosing a location. While choosing a location, it is necessary to keep in mind whether I can send fresh food to the customer in a short time or not. 

Also, the location should be taken in a place from where I can reach my customers very easily. Along with that, the road should be easily accessible during my food delivery. If you can deliver fresh food in a short time. It could have a good impact on your catering business.

6. Make Your Catering Business Licenses

Make Your Catering Business Licenses

Every business needs a license to run legally, so the catering business is still in it. Not only a business license but also some other permits. Not all the permits are required in every state in the USA. Every state requires different permits. But there are some permits which are needed in every state.

So, let's check down the required licenses and permits below:

  • Food service & safety license.
  • Business license & registration.
  • Liquor license.
  • Liability insurance.
  • Thimble caters to your needs.
  • Health Department Permits.
  • Caterer's Permit.
  • Mobile Food Vendor License.
  • Sales Tax Permit.
  • Special Event Permits.
  • Fire Department Permit.
  • Zoning Permits.
  • Transportation Permits.

After getting all the licenses and permits, the catering business will be counted as legal.

7. Get Your Catering Equipment

For wanting to run a successful catering business, you need some equipment. The interesting part is the cloud kitchen equipment and catering equipment both require the same equipment. However, there is a lot of equipment available in the market. But it would be best if you bought those which are only needed for your catering business. 

Most of the equipment is for making and processing the foods. So Don't waste valuable money on equipment which is not needed. There is some equipment which must be needed for your business. Those are: 

  • Oven.
  • Mixer.
  • Microwave.
  • Range.
  • Deep Fryer.
  • Refrigerator.
  • Knife.
  • Kitchen Utensil.
  • Food Storage Containers.
  • Stove.
  • Food Warmer.
  • Blender.

8. Create Your Catering Menu

When a customer wants to order from your catering business, there must be something needed to show all the foods you serve. That is the Food Menu. A food menu where all the food items are listed which you can serve. After seeing your food menu, customers can know the dishes that are available and order them from you. 

In the menu, you can list all the foods, set the lowest price beside the food name, and make it with an eye-catching design. So that any customers get attracted and make your menu more focused on it. 

9. Hire Staff

Hire catering Staff

Hiring staff is one of the most important parts of a catering business. It would help if you had some professional staff who have a great sense of cooking and all the recipes. If you don't find any good staff for your business, you can post "catering company jobs" on many job websites. 

For this business, only a few staff can be hired. Two to three staff for the kitchen and hire another one as a delivery man. 

10. Delivery Service

You need a delivery service for your catering business so that customers can get food delivery. However, most of the catering companies have a delivery service. But most of the customers complain about the delivery system just because of the bad delivery process. Some cases are like the food is delivered to the customers late or food gets spoiled during the delivery time. So you must be careful while delivering the food to the customers. 

11. Promote Your Business

After doing all those things, It is time to promote your catering business. You can promote offline and online. Although it is similar to the ghost kitchen system, It is better to make promotions online. 

Online marketing is now the best place to make your business famous. Besides, There is more active traffic online. So, promote your catering business so that everyone can know your business and make many orders from your company. 

Restaurant vs. Catering Business

Restaurant vs. Catering Business

Many people think that the catering business is a part of the restaurant business. But it is wrong. There are huge differences between restaurant and catering business. Let's have a look at the differences below:

Catering Business:

  • The catering business provides food off-site to the customers.
  • There are no dine-in facilities.
  • They take orders from their catering business website. Sometimes, they take orders from social media
  • Catering business only requires a few staff for their kitchen. 
  • Their business model is almost similar to the cloud kitchen business model.
  • Every business requires a proper plan of business budget. This catering business only requires a small budget but needs a proper plan.

Restaurant Business:

  • The restaurant business provides cuisine on-site to the guests.
  • They have dine-in facilities where the guests can enjoy food at a restaurant.
  • Compared to the catering business, the Restaurant business requires a lot of staff.
  • Restaurant business requires a big budget plan to run their business, whereas catering business only requires a little.
  • This business marketing strategy is different from the other business. 
  • In addition, this business requires a broad budget for restaurant marketing. Also, they need a proper plan for marketing.

So from above, you should now be clear about the differences between Restaurant and catering. Some restaurants order food from catering companies when they have events. Because they have to serve food in the event, for that reason, there are more foods needed. It is a little bit difficult for them to arrange a huge amount of food. So they have to order food from caterer companies. 


How Do I Get Clients for Catering?

For wanting to get clients, you have to follow some steps. First, you can make a catering website. Then, please share it with the people at many conferences and trading events. Start marketing in social media. Reach out to the event planners. 

Is Catering a Good Business Idea?

Yes, it is. You can start a catering business from anywhere. But you need a proper knowledge of catering, marketing strategy and budgets of this business. 

How Profitable Is a Catering Business?

A catering business is very profitable even if you are new in business. On average, you can have a profit margins of 7.5%. When you make your catering business successful, you will have a 15% profit margin.

In Summary

That is all about the catering business. Many people want to know about this business on many sites and ask in, like Quora. Well, Catering businesses is one of the easy ways to make a profit in business. Whoever wants to start a business from home can start a catering business. It has a good profit margin of business. 

Before starting a catering business, make sure that you have to gather knowledge about the types first and some steps. Also, you have to research marketing strategies and which marketing techniques you should implement. You have to be active on many social media sites because social media is the best place for marketing where you can get traffic easily. 

After all this, you will know everything about how to start a catering business and can be successful by doing it.