Sumaiya Simran

Sumaiya Simran


Sumaiya Simran, Technical Content Writer at Bdtask. She is very much passionate to explore the technical field and is a devotee to this field of Digital Marketing.

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V Model In Software Development - Best Practice in SDLC Process

V model in software development is a classified part of a software development life cycle (SDLC), which carry out linearly and sequentially in the

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How To Own A Pharmacy Without Being A Pharmacist

Every one of us dependent on medicine, and pharmacy stores is that saint place where we all purchase our medications. Generally, the person in


Importance Of Guest Experience In Hotel: Gain Lifetime Guest

Indeed, guests' experience and satisfaction are vital in all types of hospitality industries, such as restaurants, hotels, motel travel agencies etc. Usually, the importance

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What Is eCommerce Packaging - Treat Or Need In Online Business

Ecommerce business is now at the top of the profitable business trend list. Now, especially this "Generation Alpha ", doesn't like, and is less


ChatGPT vs Gemini: Let’s See Who’ll Win The Race

We all know how Google dominates the whole search engine market and how much we depend on it. Google has kept us in a


Software Development Life Cycle- Learn How To Build It

The common mistake which we usually make is rushing into software development without any predefined software development life cycle (SDLC) methodology, hence resulting in

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Hotel Front Office Problem And Solutions: From Chaos To Order

Over the years, the hospitality industry has become profitable compared to other industries. The hotel industry falls under a type of industry which provides

employee benefits in hrm

Employee Benefits in HRM: Policy Beyond Paycheck For Employees

Human resources of an organisation are equally important as office premises. I think every organisation must treat employees like valuable assets of an organisation. And