Shuvo Roy

Shuvo Roy


Shuvo Roy, an enthusiastic Technical Content Writer & Researcher, has expertise in several industries, especially in IT, Software & E-commerce. He loves to explore modern technology and write different technical and creative content for business solutions. Traveling is the next passion to him after writing.

Most Profitable Restaurant Type To Make More Money

Most Profitable Restaurant Type To Make More Money

The restaurant business is emerging nowadays. Entrepreneurs focus on the foodservice industry significantly compared to the past. But do you know about 90% of new

Most profitable business in India

Which Business Is Most Profitable In India For Entrepreneurs?

Business as a profession is a common affair. But it’s an overwhelming task to choose which business is most profitable in India. If you look

Do I Need A Business License To Sell Online

Do I Need A Business License To Sell Online?

Do I need a license to sell online? The answer is YES; you need a business license for an online business. But there are a

Best Kitchen Shoes

Top 5 Unavoidable Things To Choose The Best Kitchen Shoes

The kitchen shoes or restaurant shoes are the regular and essential needs of a restaurant. As a restaurant manager, you need to ensure that you

Food Truck Design

7 Steps of Food Truck Design To Build An Empire On Wheels

Are you dreaming of building a food truck? Well, just go through the below steps to get a complete guideline on how to build a

What Is A Cloud Kitchen?

What Is A Cloud Kitchen? Time-Worthy Cost-Effective Concept

Cloud Kitchen is a popular term nowadays for restaurant business owners. Someone knows it as a dark kitchen or ghost kitchen. At first, it’s noted

5 Best Places to Buy Bitcoin

A Complete Guide on Where & How to Buy Bitcoin!!!

Do you know how promising and popular Bitcoin is? Bitcoin is the first and most accepted cryptocurrency in the world. Although it’s available in several

Best Places to Buy DigiByte

A Complete Guide of How and Where To Buy DigiByte

Have you heard of a book named “Blockchain 2035: The Digital DNA of Internet 3.0”? Jared Tate is the author of this book, and he