Majedul Haque Shakil

Majedul Haque Shakil


Majedul Haque Shakil, Technical Content Writer & SEO Expert at Bdtask. He is passionate and dedicated about what he is doing. He loves writing and watching movies. His favorite movie is "Triangle".

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What Is Fuel Efficiency And Why Is It Important

Vehicle fuel efficiency is mandatory, but first you have to know what is fuel efficiency and why is it important. Fuel efficiency cars are mandatory for

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How To Fix Slow Website Loading - Cause & Solutions

Slow website!!!! then learn how to fix slow website loading. 25% of website visitors will abandon a site if it loads slower than usual. As

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How Does ERP Improve Productivity and Growth For Business

As the organisation grows, so does its operation, but how does ERP improve productivity? It's simple. Undoubtedly, the ERP system brings multiple benefits that

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How To Run A Car Rental Business and Generate Money

To make a car rental business successful, one needs to know how to run a car rental business effectively. Car rental is a strong


How To Manage Medical Inventory - All In One Place

Healthcare inventory management is essential, but you must know how to manage medical inventory. An organisation always wants to track and manage its supplies

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How Long Does It Take To Make A Blog Profitable - Lets Talk

If you are a blogger then it's mandatory to know how long does it take to make a blog profitable. Proper planning, dedication, and

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How Much Do Car Dealership Managers Make - Whats The Average

In the United States or in the Global how much do car dealership Managers Make? Salary ranges vary on your qualifications, skills, certifications and

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How To Use POS System For Retail: Step By Step

If you've just purchased your new POS device, how to use POS system for retail is a question to ask.

Nowadays, POS machines are