Majedul Haque Shakil

Majedul Haque Shakil


Majedul Haque Shakil, Technical Content Writer & SEO Expert at Bdtask. He is passionate and dedicated about what he is doing. He loves writing and watching movies. His favorite movie is "Triangle".

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Difference Between Agile Vs Waterfall Vs Scrum In SDLC

A well-projected model and proper plan are the keys to any project's success in the long run. There is a debate about Agile vs


Importance Of SDLC In Software Development - Explained

The importance of SDLC in software development is quite significant. Without any doubt, software development is the backbone of building software effectively and efficiently.

SaaS Application Development

SaaS Application Development Process - A True Guide

SaaS application development is the next logical step for your business's future growth. The SaaS market is growing and will soon be a dependable

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What is the Importance of Employee Engagement

The importance of employee engagement is many, and it helps to deliver company success and ultimate growth. Employee engagement relies on integrity, trust, two-way

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Business Process of Hospital Management System

A hospital management system can provide the foundation with various advantages that improve hospital management. As referenced above it is made for three groups

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HR Outsourcing Companies In Dubai

Running a successful business in any industry in Dubai is quite a challenge. Sometimes properly managing employees, following local laws, and maintaining smooth hr

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SaaS Partner Program To Make Money

If you want long-term sustainable results in SaaS businesses, starting a SaaS partner program is the only option. Even after creating a great SaaS

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Best Payroll Service For Small Business

Companies should use the best payroll service for small businesses to ensure their employees are paid accurately and on time. The software solution manages,