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E-commerce Website Conversion Rate

Professional Design Tips to Boost Your E-commerce Website Conversion Rate

When you have a good website design that provides a quick and stress-free shopping experience, it motivates potential customers who visit your online store to

Google Friendly WordPress Website

7 Tips to Make Google Friendly WordPress Website

Google is everyone’s new best friend, especially for the millennials. They rely on Google Assistant to answer their everyday queries, Google Maps for navigating to

Technical communication

Keys to Great Technical Communication

Technical communication/writing seems to be anything but subtle, nuanced, or sympathetic. Indeed, the artifacts produced through technical communication are usually straight-forward, concise, and direct. But

Customer Experience In Online Business

How Advanced Chatbot Improving Customer Experience In Online Business

You have ordered trousers online, but now you want to cancel the order, you have raised a ticket, but you don't get any quick response

chatbot platforms enhancing user experience

New Technologies Used in Chatbot Platforms Enhancing User Experience 

Do you remember old bots? Initially, they weren't capable of anything much and were mostly used to working on pre-scripted flow. The concept of

Top Ways Inventory Management Software Helps Retail Businesses Perform Better

Top Ways Inventory Management Software Helps Retail Businesses Perform Better

Retail businesses hold thousands of different categories of items in their inventory. Holding the optimal quantity of these items while maintaining quality is a very important