


20 Ways to Improve Profitability Through Hospital Management System

For a hospital to remain profitable today, it must overcome a host of challenges. They include competition from other hospitals, rising cases of uninsured care,

7 Mistakes You Should Avoid as a Restaurant Owner

Running a restaurant is not easy. You have to play with different balls in different games in different fields. Good managers learn from their mistakes.

Best ERP Software: Build vs. Buy – Bdtask

Best ERP Software: Build vs. Buy – Bdtask

To choose the best ERP Software: Build vs. Buy? That is the question when it comes to choosing ERP software for your company. In your

Should You Automate Your Business Process?

For any business, it’s important to get the most out of the available resources. Business process automation is a means to do just that by

How to Manage A Restaurant Software Effectively (Tips)

Restaurant management tips often deal with ways to streamline the everyday tasks of the café itself. Be that as it may, shouldn’t something be said

9 Tips on Buying An ERP Software

9 Tips on Buying An ERP Software

So you have finally decided to either invest in an ERP system to achieve better efficiency and profitability or to replace your legacy system.

5 Buying Factors of Restaurant Management Software

Before getting a restaurant management system, you need to take a hard look at the following factors to ensure you’re getting the best-fitting system. In

How to Set Development/Debug Mode in Code-igniter Project ?

If you are developing custom features for Bdtask any software or you are experiencing internal server error, you can turn to debug mode to see