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10 Killer Employee Engagement Ideas To Improve productivity

By Sumaiya Simran Last Updated -- Sunday, 2025-01-19
employee engagement ideas

Higher Employee Engagement = Higher Profitability + Sales Productivity + Work Harder + More Connected To The Organization + Longer Stay In The Workplace. 

So, maintaining employee engagement is a crucial part of the workplace.

But unfortunately, most of the “management” or “directors” neglect this part. When the management team fails to measure the rate of absenteeism, employee turnover, and psychologically dissatisfied employees, it might also badly affect productivity, revenue, customer experience, profitability etc.  

Always keep nurturing the employee engagement ideas; as a result, it can make the employee more satisfied, create a more positive emotional connection with the organization, and make them feel precious and worthwhile in their work. 

All management members must ensure proper employee engagement activities with the management team and co-workers. One of the research documents from Zenefits mentioned that 600 US businesses with around 50 to 500 employees, around 63.3% of companies, say that retaining/nurturing an employee is more complicated than recruiting an employee.  

employee engagement ideas 

General Behaviour Shown In A Engaged And Disengaged Employee.

Yes, indeed, there is certain behaviour to capture the sense of understanding of who is getting engaged and who is getting disengaged with the organisation. Below, I have pointed out some general behaviour of engaged and disengaged employees in your organization. 

Behaviour Of An Engaged Employee

Behavior Of A Disengaged Employee

  • Team player 
  • Self-centered
  • Optimistic
  • Pessimistic
  • self-less
  • Egoistic
  • Problem solver 
  • Negativism
  • Passion for learning 
  • Focus on monetary amount 
  • Take the blame and control the situation 
  • Blame others and avoid the situation
  • Proactive Approach
  • Reactive Approach 
  • Passion for work 
  • High Absenteeism 
  • Share the credit 
  • Take the credit, even it’s not his/her along 

Master Plan Of Generating Employee Engagement Ideas? 

Indeed, employee engagement ideas aren't that simple, and it's much more challenging than the employee recruitment process. And of course, you need always to keep an alternative employee engagement strategy to take control of the situation. 

Basically, an employee engagement strategy is a plan describing "what strategies an organization can plan or implement to handle the employee engagement activities and increase engagement. 

Core points that you need to cover in the employee engagement strategy plan:

  • KPI to measure the engagement 
  • Strategy to handle employee engagement ideas 
  • Budget for employee engagement programs
  • Tactics to improve the employee engagement 

Dynamic Employee Engagement Activities To Boost Up Your Workplace

Disengagement between the employees is one of the most dangerous things in the workplace. It's like a big elephant in the room, that you or fellow employees cannot ignore. Hence, it's better to pre-plan some employee engagement ideas to avoid those kinds of toxic circumstances.

employee engagement activities

  1. Transparent Work Relation 

The founder of WikiJob, Chris Muktar"; mentioned in one of his quotes that; an employee cannot make himself\herself psychologically involved in the organisation, workplace and in the assigned task until the employee won't know or understand the purpose or behind the scenes of the task. 

Hence, it's imperative to be transparent with your employee; as a result, it can make them engage more with the organisation, feel passionate and be able to invest more in work.

  1. Maintain A "Feedback Giving" Trend

"Giving feedback" or sharing suggestions about how an employee can do the particular "task" or "approach" in a better way. Giving feedback should always be in a continuous manner. "Feedback" gives an employee a little piece of the appreciation, as a result, makes them better engaged in the work with more enthusiasm than before.

This "feedback giving" should be done in a way that doesn't hurt the employee's sentiment. Employee feedback should be both constructive and positive. No employees should feel that only at the most challenging time; otherwise, nothing.  

  1. Appreciate Training & Learning Opportunities 

Training and learning are essential for self-grooming and doing better in the professional sector. Hence, it's better to appreciate your employees' training or learning secession or, if needed, encourage or suggest different courses/learning material. 

This training & learning session can be both on the job or off the job. Encourage the employee to learn new things or do a little study for better concept clearance. This training and learning not only help the employee gain a positive engagement with the organisation but also appreciate their future career.   

  1. Build Trust 

It's better to generate general trust between the employees because this trust will ultimately help your employees to build connections better with each other. After an employee gains general trust between the co-workers and in the workplace, he/she starts to feel a true sense of ownership; hence productivity rises, creativity increases, and employees feel more engaged and improvise the working environment. 

  1. Regenerate your communication & Alignment 

Maintaining sustainable and positive communication & Alignment between co-workers is very vital. Because it helps to maintain a positive correlation while working together and make the employee feel complete and satisfied and build a formal collaboration. 

“Having good communication skills falls under the soft skills.”

Applying these kinds of “soft skills'' in the professional areas for an employee helps them to maintain excellent professional relationships. Moreover, some organizations believe communication is key to maintaining a good concentration on work, which brings better productivity. Smooth correlation brings good bonding between employees and helps them understand what, where, when, why, and how everything is processed in the organization.

Opportunities open up because of good communication between Employees:

  • Helps to Understand employees’ Psychology & emotions  
  • Creates Team-Grooming Sessions
  • Prioritize & Appreciate Their Decision
  1. Job Autonomy 

All an organization wants is to be their employee to get self-involved and dedicatedly complete the task successfully. 

When an employee gets self-determined with their job or task, he/she quickly gets job satisfaction and feels responsible for their work.

It’s better to empower your employees and give them the freedom to do what they genuinely feel is exemplary and impactful.

  1. Recognition Program

Arranging recognition programs for your employees is another employee engagement idea to improve productivity in your organization. The recognition program, for instance:

  • Award giving ceremony 
  • Worked in special projects 
  • Saved from risky projects
  • Offer them a foreign trip  

And honoring those employees not only boosts up their energy, makes them feel important in the workplace, and helps them work more efficiently. And doing this kind of program makes them popular in the company and makes it easy to get connected with other employees too. 

  1. Celebrate Every Culture & Religion 

Still, there are both direct & indirect psychological barriers & conflicts between different religious people everywhere. 

But, expressing those emotions in the workplace is really unprofessional behaviour. Every organization should appreciate every culture and provide freedom & respect to every individual religion. 

Additionally, an organization must follow an open-minded policy and environment so that your workplace; itself describes & says “every cultural & religious people are appreciated”. Moreover, bullying any culture & religion should be strictly prohibited in every job sector. 

And why wouldn’t it??? It’s a workplace. Not a political ground for debate. 

Besides, celebrating every kind of culture like a festival and appreciating every religion makes employee engagement more smooth, understanding the emotion and helps to respect each other's principles. 

  1. Provide The Necessary Privilege 

Most organizations ignore that "an employee comes to the workplace for almost 9 to 5 (8 hours), sometimes it gets longer". Hence, a person compromises his/her family time, food, health, rest, self-learning, etc., because of this job.

Therefore, an organization should offer sufficient perks and privileges to its employees so that they don't feel any shortage of anything and psychologically makes the workplace a "second home". 

The necessary privilege an organization should provide

  • Transportation service 
  • Subsidiary lunch
  • Hybrid office 
  • Gym & fitness area
  • Refreshing evening snacks 
  • Discount card of a famous clothing brand 
  • Mental-health Counseling sessions
  • Sports facilities 
  • Equity package 
  • Birthday celebration 
  • Celebrate the remarkable achievement of your organisation 

This type of extracurricular facility is absolutely mandatory for daily office hours. And because of these privileges, employees get the chance to engage with employees, which also helps to cut off work stress.   

  1. Be The Financial Backup For Your Employee

It's self-evident that when an employee has a huge financial burden in his/her head, it's become tough for him/her to concentrate on work. Hence, it's better for every management team should set the salary range as the market suggests. 

Moreover, when an organisation provides financial backups to employees to get over sudden family emergency crises, it helps to de-stress and helps to maintain concentration on the work.

On the other hand, you can set the salary range based on the data collected from the hired employee so that it covers all the financial challenges, such as

  • Electricity bills
  • Medicals bills 
  • Household costs, 
  • Unexpected miscellaneous costs. 

hr manager software

Curious Mind Wants To Know!!!

Which Aspects Drive Employee Engagement? 

As a management, you must remember that not always "increasing the pay raise" does not bring job satisfaction. 

Hence to generate employee engagement and excitement for work, a manager should always need to appreciate and assign meaningful work to appreciate their skills, especially purposeful work etc. 

  1. Goal-oriented project 
  2. A manager who can coach employees well 
  3. Appreciation for self-development 
  4. Help them understand their core potential
  5. Regular constructive feedback  
  6. Help employees grow

Easy & Instant Employee Engagement Ideas To Improve Your Productivity In Your Organization

  1. Arrange onboarding program

  • Office tour
  • Introduction with everyone 
  • Welcome souvenir for new employee 
  • First-day photo session
  1. Explain the company values

  • Brief about company growth history & how they started their journey 
  • Clear the goal, mission & vision 
  • General principle 
  • HR rules & policies 
  • Office etiquette
  1. Problem recognition 

  • procedural issues
  • recurring roadblocks,
  • Tracking the problem before any employee complains 
  1. Celebrate the individual achievement 

  • Project submission before the deadline 
  • Critical problem solver
  • Passionate about work
  1. Positive environment 

  • Happy environment 
  • Practise positivity 
  • Appreciate the helping nature  
  1. Assigned Meaning full work 

  • Contribute to the company mission 
  • Participate in a large project 
  • Decision-making power 
  • Appreciate their own ideas 
  1. Space for Flexibility

  • Flexible working hours 
  • Option for remote office
  • Leave flexibility 

Instruments To Measure Employee Engagement,
Of course, they're tools to measure; "how much your employees are engaging with each other. And the only solid way to measure and track whether your employees are engaging very well not is to find it through the "survey". There are 3 different types of surveys to measure employee engagement ideas in your organization:

  • Employee engagement survey: "Daily engagement activities your employees are doing with your fellow employee. One kind of scientifically proven measuring technique to understand; is "how much are your employees engaged at the organizational level?".
  •  Pulse survey: A survey which gathers all the real-time data & feedback about the organization, for instance, acquisition, mergers, mission, core values, etc. 
  • Employee lifestyle survey: A simple survey where you can track the "standard of living" of the "new employees", "current employees", & "exit employees". 

Benefits From Employee Engagement Activities To Your Organization 

Above, I've explored employee engagement ideas, activities and strategies so that you can enrich productivity in your workplace. 

Employee engagement activities fall under those kinds of activities which re-energize & re-fresh your employees' psychology so that they can complete their tasks with more potentiality and speed. 

Here is an amazing benefit of doing the activities to appreciate the engagement between employees:

  1. Boost the productivity speed

  • Work with more intensity 
  • Put more discretionary effort into their task
  • Don't go and search for a better opportunity 
  1. Scale up the retention rate

  • Appreciate their work
  • Understand their professional growth 
  • Understand the company's growth 
  1. Higher job satisfaction 

  • Appreciation for the work 
  • sharing the organization's growth with employees 
  • Share customer reviews about the organization
  1. Lower absenteeism 

  • Self-motivation to show up at work 
  • Enjoyable environment 
  • Assigned meaningful work 
  • Healthy snacks
  1. Health centre 

  • Help with mental health 
  • Instant cure due to an accident in the workplace 
  • nutritionist 

Have You Ever Given It A Thought!!

Why're Your Star Employees Leaving Your Organization??

why star employees leaving organization

Unfortunately, many organizations think "too many employee engagement activities" in the workplace is the main reason for being more unproductively. But it's not like that; an employee can hold concentration for straight 60 minutes at work

And after that straight 60 mins of work, an employee demands or wants to make small conversation with other colleagues, or talk about any other topic for instance; politics, sports, games, latest entertainment news etc. 

And by doing all this, an employee can get relief from stress at least for some time and can rejoin work with full speed. Some organizations consider it a distraction from work, but in reality, it isn't. 

Here is some major reason why employees are leaving your organization:

  1. Higher pay raise in the same or higher position 
  2. Interpersonal conflicts with the management board
  3. Changes in personal life include health issues, marriage, family growth, etc. 
  4. Better benefit package offered by other companies 

With Human Resource Management Software 

Managing Employees Can Be Now At Your Fingertips!!

Above, I've already broken down many aspects of employee engagement ideas, the behavioral difference between engaged and disengaged employees and aspects which helps to generate employee engagement. 

But!! Have you ever thought, "how tough it is to SINGLE HANDEDLY manage so many employees by HR?" 

Hence to bring down the workload of HR, only human resource management software can save HR. 

As a result, HR can invest more time in understanding employee problem solving, motivation, grooming, etc. 

What're the features of human resource management software???

A human resource management software, a companion of HR managers in all organizations. In a word, it makes all tasks easy, efficient and faster for HR and helps them to track and record all the details of every employee in this HRMS software. Here are some beneficiaries of adopting HRMS software:

  1. Increasing productivity 
  2. Reduced communication gaps 
  3. Improved management ways 
  4. Effective productivity 
  5. Enrich the work environment
  6. Better training and recruitment procedure 
  7. Constructive strategy management

Final Thought 

Indeed, an HR job is never easy; in fact, it's one of the toughest jobs in an organization. Because only HR has to manage, monitor, motivate, problem solver, assist every single employee and help them to get comfortable and invest them in the best effort in the organization.

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